It's a game that divides opinions but I love Villainous.
The concept of playing as iconic Disney villains and working towards their individual goal, with their own unique deck of cards and specific win conditions just constantly keeps the game fresh for me.
The artwork on the cards and the thematic elements that tie everything together is great though being a fan of Disney movies certainly helps - especially when you can play as your favourite villain (mine's a toss up between Steamboat Pete and Captain Hook).
The Villains
With this part of the shoot I really wanted to highlight the main stars - the villains themselves - and the rather lovely playing pieces that come with them (it would have been so easy for Ravensburger to use standard miniature casts), highlighting them in an environment that evoked who they were.
Having the light casting straight onto the pieces with the provided guides (and the lovely art that comes with it) tinted to represent their primary colour provided a strong shadowed light that really helped them stand out.
I also wanted to highlight the custom decks that each villain gets, the abstract artwork and strong colours of the cards really helps each of them stand out.

Creating a strong vignette to really let the colours pop in the middle really helped the cards stand out and show off the unique artwork that comes with each deck.
Villainous shines through it's use of villain related characters, locations and event - which means it's vital that this comes through in the gameplay shoot.
By focusing in close on an individual player board the players can quickly get a feel for just how thematic each villain is, and the raft of in-universe elements that the game allows them to play with.
By picking the most iconic elements of that universe - like the useless card armies, or Aladdin and Jasmine - really helps pull the player in especially if it's one of their favourite characters.
And finally, we needed to show how the game pushes players to interact. Having three players in the middle of a game, cards and tokens strewn across table creates a real sense of the dynamic nature Villainous plays into.